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Latest Shocking Sports News: Newcastle United True Unsung Heroes…

newcastle fans at leicester

Another sold out away end is pretty much the norm at Newcastle United.

With the exception of Man United and Liverpool, I can’t think of another club in the land that consistently sells out their way end regardless of the game, location or time.

Watching the match on Saturday from Singapore, the commentator on the game mentioned that the sheer amount of Geordies who had came from the North East were a credit to the team.

However, any frequent fan in the away end will know that nowadays, and especially at dodgy kick off times far from home, quite a lot of the away end aren’t actually Geordies!

To be honest, if it wasn’t for those ‘southern’ away fans we wouldn’t carry half of the reputation that we do.

At this stage I am rarely surprised by how good our away support is.

The only time I was truly surprised by how good it was, was actually against Brighton in the Championship. It was a Tuesday night and a 7.45 kick off away at Brighton in the middle of winter when everybody is skint and the whole away end was packed… and bouncing!

From the friends I spoke to that night there were people from Newcastle, Edinburgh, Hong Kong, Belfast, Yorkshire, Peterborough, London and Southampton. That was just within my circle of friends!

There really are Newcastle fans all over the UK and I think many would be surprised by just how many of them have absolutely no familial connection at all to the North East. There are many other reasons why people have chosen Newcastle United as their team… with the entertainers and Alan Shearer usually being the reasons.

Either way, we shouldn’t really care, and unlike other clubs/fans who seem to look down with a tinge of shame on their ‘foreign fans’, here at Newcastle United we should embrace them. As long as you support Newcastle United that is good enough for me.

Even out here in Singapore, there is a huge NUFC fan club. You can even walk through a shopping centre on a Wednesday night and come across more than one Newcastle shirt… I don’t even think you can do that in the Metro Centre!

The Newcastle United unsung heroes!

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The post Newcastle United True Unsung Heroes… appeared first on NUFC The Mag.

by Jonathan Drape-Comyn

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