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Latest Shocking Celebrity News: Dwayne Johnson Says His Family Tested Positive For COVID-19: "We're on the Other End of It"

Dwayne Johnson shared on Instagram Wednesday night that he and his family had tested positive for COVID-19. Describing the past few weeks as "one of the most challenging and difficult things" his family has ever had to endure, The Rock revealed that he, his wife, Lauren Hashian, and daughters Jasmine and Tiana had contracted the virus a few weeks prior, but were now healthy and recovered.

"Testing positive for COVID-19 is much different than overcoming nasty injuries, or being evicted, or even being broke, which I have been more than a few times."

Despite taking the necessary precautions, Dwayne explained in his 11-minute IGTV video that the family had picked up coronavirus from very close family friends. "Testing positive for COVID-19 is much different than overcoming nasty injuries, or being evicted, or even being broke, which I have been more than a few times," he said. "And the reason why I feel like this is different is because my number one priority is to always protect my family, and protect my children, my loved ones."

While Dwayne and Lauren had a "rough go in the beginning" with COVID-19, he said that Jasmine, who is 4 years old, and Tiana, who's 2, fortunately had little to no symptoms and quickly bounced back. "I wish it was only me who tested positive, but it wasn't," he said. "It was my entire family, so this one was a real kick in the gut. But I am happy to tell you guys that we as a family are good. We're on the other end of it, we're on the other side." The actor continued on to share his takeaways from getting COVID-19, including always being extra cautious, wearing a mask, and overall taking good care of your health and immune system. Watch Dwayne's full video below.

Related: If You Have COVID-19 Symptoms, This Is How You Can Take Care of Yourself at Home

by Yerin Kim

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